Making the connection between the body and feeding

Occupational Therapy • Feeding Therapy • Lactation

Is feeding your baby more difficult than you ever imagined?

Let’s figure out WHY feedings aren’t going as planned and HOW you and your baby can reach your feeding goals.

You want the best for your baby and no matter how you chose to feed your baby, I am here to support you.


Feeding is a complex interaction between baby and parent, and many things can impact successful feeding whether breastfeeding or bottle feeding.

If you need more support with feeding your baby, get expert help.

Cara Daubenspeck, OTR/L, IBCLC, CIMI-2

Hi, I am Cara. I am a mother of three who all had some feeding difficulties as infants. It was hard to find the right help, so I have made it my mission to help families get the care they deserve here in Charleston, West Virginia. I have been a pediatric occupational therapist for 14 years and have worked solely with infants, toddlers and their families since 2014. I started as a certified lactation counselor in 2015 and became an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant IBCLC in 2021. I am the only OT/IBCLC in West Virginia. I have many other certifications and trainings including being a TummyTime! Method Professional, Certified Infant Massage Instructor, and Tethered Oral Tissue Specialty Trained (TOTs). I am always learning and have also completed hundreds of hours of infant and toddler specific continuing education related to feeding, sensory integration, and overall development.

Utilizing a whole body approach to feeding



What is occupational therapy and how can it benefit my baby?

OT is a holistic and evidence based profession. OT helps people function in their daily activities (occupations) to the best of their abilities. For a baby this includes feeding, play/movement, connecting with caregivers, exploring his/her environment, sleeping and more. Breastfeeding is a co-occupation between parent and baby requiring a thorough evaluation when there are problems with feeding.

An OT working in infant feeding and development has specialized training and in depth knowledge of the infant’s body, motor skills, oral motor skills, positioning, task analysis, sensory integration, feeding and lactation.

When to make an appointment?

Stressful feedings

Breastfeeding support

Difficulty taking a bottle

Tongue & Lip ties

Reflux, fussy, cries all the time

Torticollis or head shape concerns

Difficulty transitioning to solid foods

What can I expect during a feeding evaluation?

A thorough intake of medical and birth history

Review of concerns and symptoms

Evaluation of a feeding

Oral exam and assessment of function

Assessment of baby’s body

Care plan individualized for you & your baby

How long is an initial evaluation? How long are follow up appointments?

Typically 75-90 minutes. Please try to be on time and have intake paperwork completed.

Follow-up therapy appointments are generally 30-45 minutes.

If you are seeking lactation support, appointments may take longer. Please let us know when scheduling.

What should I bring to my appointment?

Hungry baby ( when possible)

Any equipment you use for feedings or have questions about (ex: pumping equipment, nipple shields, pacifier)

A thin blanket for therapy mat

Completed paperwork and insurance card

Can someone come with me to my appointment?

Two adults can attend the appointment. Please try to find alternative childcare for children so attention can be given to you and your new baby.

Do you accept insurance?

Yes, we are in network with most insurances and accept medicaid. If you have a commercial insurance but your baby is not yet active, you may be asked to pay a fee for the evaluation at the time of service. This money will be refunded to you pending insurance coverage. In order to bill insurance, a pediatrician referral must be on file. Pediatrician can fax an order for occupational therapy services to 304-345-7386.

We are now partnering with The Lactation Network. If you are breastfeeding and have BCBS PPO, Anthem PPO, Cigna PPO, UHC/UMR please go to to see if your visits may be fully covered by your insurance.

What People Are Saying


Cara is a resource all Mama’s should have, especially first time mothers. I learned so much. She helped with tongue tie issues, tummy time activities, breast feeding. The way information is presented is professional but personal. She also have several visual tools to aid in education. I seriously could not have survived my first month without her.

— Ashley

To sum up our experience, Cara is a life saver! I had trouble breastfeeding and my son ended up losing weight after the hospital. Our pediatrician referred us to Cara. Our son was so unhappy, constantly crying, gassy, colicky, flat spot on his head, hated tummy time, and spit up all the time. Cara helped us catch a milk protein allergy, a tongue/lip tie, and generally provided a wealth of knowledge and treatment options. As a first time mom I can’t imagine how I would have navigated our first months without her. I almost gave up so many times but we are going on 6 months of breastfeeding thanks to Caras help!

— Megan

Book a class.

Currently offering prenatal breastfeeding class! Join me in a small group setting for in person breastfeeding education. Everything you need to know to thrive in the first few weeks of breastfeeding your new baby. Class is set up for birthing parent + 1 support person.

Follow our journey @ connectionsot.